Tokens for sale: Date is TBA
Goal of funding (Soft cap):(not set)
0  Points                 Scam -5
Finance: 3.3
Product: 6.7
Team: 0.0
Marketing: 10
Planned funds:

(not set)

Current status:

0% done

Rank: 5.00


Comments about BABB

Anonym Sep 1, 2018

will there be a review of the Crowdcube email content relating to the Nominee Shares being for BABB App? As queried by someone earlier, we were under the impression the Nominee Shares would be for BABB Group (Whole Company) and not just for a single BABB product... Clarification definitely required before the 7 day cooling off period ends

Anonym Sep 1, 2018

 I am sorry this might have been asked a million times. I am a new community member and I love this project . My question is, I have read some people up there asking about the   licence and admin says the license is not a guaranteed.. my question is, is there a tentative plan to keep the project going? (If the license is denied) Cause the license seem to be the major thing or a different plan?