Sergey Goncharov
The creator of the idea of automated hosting service. An entrepreneur with experience in marketing with a focus on the foreign market, more than 5 years of global marketing experience, 6+ years of experience in project management and digital service. Behind the administration and promotion of four large-scale projects. Great experience of team work. Expert in investment and strategic development, successful entrepreneur, cryptoinvestor.
Andrey Kiselev
The creator of the idea of automated hosting service. Manager for international business development in IO technology. More than 4-year international experience in marketing, project management and digital services. I began to show interest in the industry blockbuster at the end of 2014 when I bought my first few bitkoyn, later I started participating in all sorts of ICOs, at first as an investor, but after realizing and understanding marketing strategies, I began to try myself in the role of responsible for the promotion of start-ups , for the last 2 years I managed to live in Singapore and to take priceless experience from leading specialists in PR management.