Tokens for sale: Jul 25, 2018 - Aug 25, 2018
Goal of funding (Soft cap):$250,000.00
0  Points                 Scam -5
Finance: 8.3
Product: 10
Team: 0.0
Marketing: 10
Planned funds:


Current status:

0% done

Rank: 7.08


   Implemented           Planned

Building the team and developing the initial idea
3 Jan 2018
Getting data and development of DLTA AI Trading Bot
7 Feb 2018
Preparing a smart contract on top of the Ethereum network
19 Mar 2018
Finalizing the white paper and worldwide marketing plan
19 Mar 2018
Token distribution: Pre-ICO and ICO
25 Jul 2018
Start a contract with external exchanges.
2 Oct 2018