Tokens for sale: Apr 20, 2018 - Jul 13, 2018
Goal of funding (Soft cap):$1,000,000.00
0  Points                 Scam -5
Finance: 8.3
Product: 10
Team: 5.0
Marketing: 6.7
Planned funds:


Current status:

0% done

Rank: 7.50


   Implemented           Planned

Token Distribution
20 Jul 2018
List on Exchange
30 Jul 2018
Parnership with merchants across Africa
1 Aug 2018
Product demo launched
1 Sep 2018
Full version of product launched on mainnet
1 Oct 2018
App and third party intergration module release
1 Nov 2018
Marketing, Partnership and Promo
1 Dec 2018
Representatives across Nigeria
1 Jan 2019
Zcnox Delivery Commence in Nigeria
1 Feb 2019