Alexander Nowack
Alexander has developed over 100 blockchain
Thomas Jenson
Thomas is an expert in server security
Dipansu Khatr
Dipansu is the main blockchain developer
David Wei
David is a blockchain expert and hard coder
Gabriella Esposti
Gabriella has worked for software companies
Peter Johansen
Peter has integrated games and applications
Daniel Larsen
Developed since age of 8 years old
Antonio Silva
Antonio is an expert in the development
Abayomi Conde
bayomi is the creative inspiration behind Vereum
Eloise Moreau
Eloise has won awards for creative intuitiveness
Natalia Petrov
Natalia is an professional cinematographer
Luis Roberto
Luis is a PR & Social Media professional
Mark Johnson
Mark has been an expert on cryptocurrency
Rubley Khachanov
Rublev started his journey working as an intern